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Website update, French voices, embedding options, external chat/forum directory links

tekijä admin Lähetetty Sep 2 2014, 12:54

The website was updated today.

The update included some enhancements and several fixes,

  • New french voices.
  • New embedding options.
  • Chat/forum directory links to external content.
  • Several fixes and minor enhancements.

French Voices

You can now choose 5 new french voices for your bot's web voice.
  • Camille, a realistic female french voice.
  • Camille HSSM, a synthesized female french voice.
  • Jessica, a synthesized female french voice.
  • Pierre, a synthesized male french voice.
  • Dennys, a synthesized male french Canadian voice.
For mobile clients you can enter "fr" under language to use the french voice on a mobile device.

Embedding Options

When you embed your chat bot through HTML, you now have several new options to allow improved customization.

Previously you could set the follow HTML URL parameters,
  • background color - &background=fff - rgb hex color code for background color
  • css - &css= - your own style sheet to customize any styled elements
  • speech - &speak=true - set the voice to be on or off
  • avatar - &avatar=true - show/hide the avatar image
  • message - &message=Welcome - optional welcome greeting
  • user/password/token - authentication for private bots
The following new URL parameters have been added to improve customization and internationalization,
  • prompt - &prompt=You say - input prompt text
  • send - &send=Send - chat submit button text
  • speech - &speak=disable - disable the voice and do not display "Speak" checkbox
  • greeting - &greeting=Welcome - welcome message, replaces "message"
  • farewell - &farewell=Not connected - not connected message on disconnect

External Chat, Forum Links

You can now create chat or forum links to live chat channels, chatrooms, and forums hosted on external websites. Previously you could only create links to external bots.

To create a bot/chat/forum directory link you just create a new bot/chat/forum and mark it as external and give the website. Then when it is clicked on in the browse directory it will open the external website. You can do this to add links to your content hosted on Paphus Live Chat, your own website, or another provider. Your content does not need to be running the BOT libre software, it is an open directory.

Id: 347288
Tunnisteet: notice, embedding, website update, french, français, voice
Lähetetty: Sep 2 2014, 12:54
Päivitetty: Sep 2 2014, 12:57
Vastaukset: 0
Näkymät: 5510, Tänään: 3, Viikolla: 6, Kuukausi: 23
0 0 0.0/5