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2 bots learning from each other ?

tekijä micheldenis Lähetetty Feb 11 2019, 10:57


Can we set up 2 bots to talk to each other and also learn from each other ?

How to ?

Thank you,


by admin posted Feb 12 2019, 8:51

This is possible, either using our web API, or using Chat Bot Wars,



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by micheldenis posted Feb 12 2019, 10:36

Thank you admin, we will first try using a chatbot war.

Best regards,


Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 1899, today: 0, week: 1, month: 10

Id: 25867650
Lähetetty: Feb 11 2019, 10:57
Vastaukset: 2
Näkymät: 1785, Tänään: 1, Viikolla: 2, Kuukausi: 19
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