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Bot Libre Forum

user api key

tekijä bobred Lähetetty Aug 29 2018, 17:41

what is a user api key?where is the botid found?

by admin posted Aug 29 2018, 20:09
The apiKey is your "Application ID" from your user page,

You can get the bot's id from its page "Details" tab.

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by bobred posted Aug 30 2018, 22:52

I tried this and it did not work.




how old is pioyu


<template><saraix botid="17759104" apike= "2354681386214535205 : Reset Affiliate link"><star/></sariax></template>




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by admin posted Aug 31 2018, 8:31


<pattern>how old is pioyu<pattern>
<template><sraix botid="17759104" apikey= "2354681386214535205">how old are you</sraix></template>

Updated: Aug 31 2018, 8:32
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Views: 2071, today: 0, week: 0, month: 0

by bobred posted Aug 31 2018, 10:02

okay I will try that.

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Views: 2020, today: 0, week: 1, month: 1

by bobred posted Aug 31 2018, 10:07

that worked.

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Views: 2022, today: 1, week: 1, month: 1

Id: 23409895
Tunnisteet: programming
Lähetetty: Aug 29 2018, 17:41
Vastaukset: 5
Näkymät: 2859, Tänään: 3, Viikolla: 3, Kuukausi: 3
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