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blain chatbot problem

tekijä bobred Lähetetty Jun 20 2017, 13:56

Sometimes my chatbot named blain responds these two ways.

My friend is a male.=user

she is a male=blain


my friend is a male.=user

do you think he wants to go swimming with me?

But blain was supposed to respond,"do you think he wants to go swimming with me."

a is male is required

Could you check blain the chatbot in browse bots section?

It was working but then it stopped. 

Id: 18043948
Lähetetty: Jun 20 2017, 13:56
Vastaukset: 0
Näkymät: 1494, Tänään: 3, Viikolla: 3, Kuukausi: 19
0 0 0.0/5